Monday, 16 September 2013

First World Problems!

-Why is the couch so far from the kitchen?
-When you need to pee and there is no toilet.
-Hungry? Forget about it, unless you would like to eat some old vegetables.
-You are about to eat your cereal, but you are out of milk!
-Nicki Minaj
-When you cut yourself while shaving.
-You recorded the wrong show.
-They only accept credit.
-The remote is to far away.
-You can't reach the blanket.
-Ahh, I'm so tired. Let's sleep! Ugh, need to pee.ยต
-Slow internet.
-Your headphones get tangled.
-When you really don't know what to order in a restaurant.
-When someone else got some food and you don't.
-When parents take your joke to serious.
-You actually studied for a test, but you studied the wrong thing.


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